The Monday Edition

The Evangelical Pope | Come Holy Spirit!

July 19, 2021

Living Words from John Paul II

Edited by Abraham A. van Kempen


Published Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Evangelical Pope | Come Holy Spirit!

Each week we let Saint Pope John Paul II share meaningful signposts to spark socio-economic resolves through justice and righteousness combined with mercy and compassion; in short, love



               "Send forth your Spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earth" (Psalm 104: 30 New International Version (NIV).


Prague, The Czech Republic 1997 |Ask the Holy Spirit to make his presence in your lives, [editor's note: "For in His presence there is fullness of joy" (Psalm 16: 11 New King James Version).


               For me, it was my father who, uniquely, made me aware of the activity of the Holy Spirit, precisely when I was your age. If I found myself in some difficulty, he would suggest that I pray to the Holy Spirit. This teaching has shown me the path I have followed to this day.


               The Holy Spirit dwells in you as the source of strength to conquer sin. 1



Peace … The Fruit of Justice


The Vatican 2001| The message of peace is timelier than ever. Our earthly globe is increasingly being reduced to a 'global village.'


               Despite all the risks and dangers that are doubtless concealed in globalization, we must not ignore a phenomenon that represents a sign of hope:  the growing awareness of mutual dependence among individual persons, ethnic groups, and nations.


               In various parts of the world, men and women perceive the injustices and violations of human rights - even if they are perpetrated in far-off countries – with empathy. They feel the suffering of others, showing a growing sensitization of hearts. 


               At the same time, there is cause for concern when national interests develop. The meeting of cultures is no longer seen as enrichment but as a threat (See: An American Kingdom,' by Stephanie McCrummen').


Globalization must therefore reach our collective conscience so that the message of peace resounds a piercing resonance.


The growing network of mutual relations among men and women in small yet critical things demands solidarity. Indeed peace is only possible if reciprocal dependence, already by its nature, requires the defeat of every form of exclusion:


                the renunciation of every form of economic, military, or national imperialism, and the transformation of mutual diffidence into close collaboration.


The remarkable act of solidarity among individual persons and peoples lies precisely in this. 


Humankind must entrust themselves to the 'weapons of peace': 


               these include respect for human dignity, as well as the practice of justice and solidarity.


These weapons of peace are dropped when the dignity of the human person is not respected when the weak are oppressed, and the poor are discriminated against (See: Ilhan Omar's antisemitism poses a moment of reckoning for Democrats,' by John Hagee). 2



Ask Christ for the gift of the Spirit to dwell within you.


               For it is precisely He, God's Holy Spirit, the Divine Person, who heals and purifies and sanctifies the conscience, thus renewing the earth's face.


               I want this to happen to you, your nation, and the people of the world.


               Inside Your soul is the source of light and life; inside You, the flame of eternal love; within You, the secret of the hope that never disappoints. 1



               Editor's note: Do all Christians make God look good? Are most Christians filled with God's Holy Spirit as evidenced in their daily lives through their Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control (Galatians 5: 22-26 Good News Translation GNT); and, yes, as EVIDENCED in their speech, speaking in an angelic language, genuinely seeking and expressing 'the better angels of their nature;' dignifying others the way they want God to dignify them? I wish I could meet more people anointed in Christ who are moved by the 'Wind' and purified by 'Fire,' who are 'born again' and in the 'River,' in constant transformation into becoming a newer creation, in God's image.


               Does God need Christians to crusade on His behalf, to 'vote' Him into a political office, or does God prefer Christians to shine His Holy Presence to everyone around them? Read more: An American Kingdom,' by Stephanie McCrummen.'


               If Pastor John Hagee could only spark the Fruit of the Spirit that professedly dwells within him, won't he reach the hearts and minds of more Jews, Christians, and Muslims to effectuate the will of God, especially in Israel-Palestine? Read more: Ilhan Omar's antisemitism poses a moment of reckoning for Democrats,' by John Hagee.


               Do Christians understand what 'the Good News about the Kingdom of God' entails, as cited in Matthew 24: 14 GNT? What is the Good News? What is the Kingdom of God on earth as in heaven? Hint! Good News = You're forgiven. The Kingdom of God = Wherever God is. If God's Holy Spirit dwells inside your soul, your conscience, where is God's Kingdom; within you? Does God's Holy Spirit reside within you? If so, it shows in your fruit, the fruit of the Spirit.


The dynamic, energetic, and moving Spirit of God, aka the Holy Spirit, the descending dove that comes down from heaven WHO lives among us; the elusive wind WHO dwells within us; the falling fire WHO purifies us; and, the flowing water, the river WHO keeps us moving closer toward His presence (where there is fullness of joy) is the path to holiness, to wholeness.


We are never' there' yet. We are always in the river.



               "Holy Father,


               Despite our weakness, you have made us witnesses of hope, faithful disciples of your Son. We carry this treasure in vessels of clay, and we fear we may fail in the face of sufferings and evil.


               At times, we even doubt the power of the word of Jesus, who said, "that they all may be one'.


               Let us daily experience and pass on the glory that shines in the face of Christ so that in all our actions, our dedication, and our life, we may proclaim to the world that He is at work among us.




Excerpted from:


1 Apostolic Journey of His Holiness John Paul II to the Czech Republic (April 25-27, 1997), HOMILY OF THE HOLY FATHER DURING MASS WITH YOUNG PEOPLE, Saturday, 26 April 1997.


2 Address Of John Paul II to the Sponsor and Editor of the Third Volume of the Holy Father's Messages for World Day of Peace, The Vatican, Wednesday, 28 March 2001


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