Correspondences World Leaders

  • A Call to Action: Uniting for a Lasting Peace in the Holy Land

    Open letter from A. N. to Mr. Joe Biden, President of the USA
    June 05, 2024 13:04


    I’m writing this letter because the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine has plagued our world for far too long, causing untold suffering and instability. As global citizens and leaders, we have the moral obligation and the collective power to drive meaningful change and foster a lasting peace. The struggle for peace is larger than any political endeavor; it is a human imperative that demands our united effort. Together, we can break through barriers and forge a new path toward reconciliation and prosperity.

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  • Concerned world citizen

    Open letter from Leslie to Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel
    May 28, 2024 14:42

    Two state solution

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  • Israel’s Genocide in Gaza Is a World Historical Crime

    Israel’s Genocide in Gaza Is a World Historical Crime April 23, 2024 14:49

    Source: The Nation



    Published April 17, 2024


    When Jews were being slaughtered by the Nazis, the world turned away. Now, the world has awakened to Israel’s crimes.

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  • Zionism must be exposed and discredited

    Zionism must be exposed and discredited April 23, 2024 14:00

    Source: Mondoweiss


    By Philip Weiss

    Published April 20, 2024


    Zionism threatens political freedom in the United States and international order. There is only one way to fight this ideology. Those who oppose it must explain the truth to Americans: Zionism is racist.

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  • After six months of war, I fear we may lose Palestine completely

    After six months of war, I fear we may lose Palestine completely April 16, 2024 15:58

    Source: The Guardian


    By Raja Shehadeh

    Published April 9, 2024


    Israel’s onslaught has been on a scale never seen before. I spend my days searching for hope

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  • World Peace

    Open letter from Martin to Mr. Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China
    February 13, 2024 14:39

    I'm writing this letter to ask you and leaders around the world a question.

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  • My scream to the world

    Open letter from Shakila to Ms. Ursula von der Leyen, President-elect of the European Commission
    December 05, 2023 15:12


    Im writing this letter because the world leaders are failing us. Because we are complicit in war crimes we do not support. Because we are chained to your decisions and you have failed. Because when we scream we are being shut.

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  • To Syria and Bashar al-Assad

    Open letter from W to Mr. Bashar al-ASSAD, President of the Syrian Arab Republic
    November 16, 2023 13:23 For support to Palestine and Syria's fight against ISIS Read More
  • To Palestine

    Open letter from Bubba to Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine
    November 16, 2023 13:23 I have always dreamed of sending a letter to a world leader and especially to Palestine. Read More
  • Japan should withdraw from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN), WHO's controlling parent body, to protect the basic human rights and lives of its citizens.

    Open letter from A citizen of Japan to His Majesty the Emperor Akihito, Emperor of Japan
    October 24, 2023 14:25

    Your Majesties,

    I am a citizen of Japan, writing to request the government of Japan to withdraw from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN), WHO's controlling parent body, to protect the basic human rights and lives of its citizens.

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