The Friday Edition

Better Safe than Sorry

March 17, 2020

By Abraham A. van Kempen


Right now, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Share this message with everyone, everywhere, whether you know them or not.

Better Safe than Sorry

The foreseeable future looks rosy. We’ll figure it out. Our collective brain trust, on all four corners of this earth, has no choice but to work together to defeat Covid-19, sooner than later.


We’ll get there. In the meantime, maintain social distance


This invisible virus is going viral through our younger generations. Do what you can to stay away from the elderly. Are you sure you’re not infecting your loved ones? Look what’s happening in China, Italy, Spain, Seattle!


How do you know you’re carrying the virus? You’ll know when it might be too late. In most cases, you won’t know you’re infected until after you’ve infected others. If you’re young, no big deal. If you infect the elderly, chances are you’ll torture them to death.


You want to be tested? Forget it! For the moment, test kits barely exist. Until they do, be careful … keep your distance.


While we’re waiting for the vaccine to hit the scene – and it will take at least one to two years to vaccinate 7,8 billion people TWICE – home-test kits will be mass produced and hopefully will be distributed sometime in Summer 2020; if not, prayerfully, sooner.


Why should you test yourself?


If you know you’re infected … you’ll be vigilant NOT to infect others.


Test kits are useless for the elderly. When infected, many will show immediate symptoms, like problems with breathing, severe sore throats, bronchitis, pneumonia, severe fatigue. Many will also have the runs. By that time, all the toilet paper on earth won’t help. Rush anyone with such symptoms to the ER.


If the hospital can offer the means, methods, and mechanism to treat them, they will survive. Otherwise, they’ll die.


Right now, stay away from the elderly. As soon as the test kits are available, test yourself frequently. If you test positive, test yourself again and again until you know FOR SURE you’re no longer infected.


If you truly want to reach out and touch someone in our times, STAY AWAY!


With every good wish to you, I am,





Abraham A. van Kempen

Senior Editor

Building the Bridge Foundation, The Hague


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