Correspondences World Leaders

Open letter to President Donald J. Trump

January 26, 2017

The Hague


President Donald J. Trump

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington DC 20500

The United States of America


Please Listen to the Good People of Israel – Palestine, Too

Open letter to President Donald J. Trump
Open letter from Abraham A. van Kempen to Mr. Donald Trump, President of the USA

Dear Mr President,


Is Israel – Palestine worth a World War III? How would you respond, Mr President to another East Aleppo but this time in West Jerusalem or in Tel Aviv? Would you have risked an Apocalypse, a world war to rescue the people of East Aleppo? Isn’t there a better approach to liberate all the people – the ‘good’ Jews, the ‘good’ Palestinians (32% Christian), the ‘good’ Arabs and the ‘good but lost’ Evangelical Christian Right – from the claws of the Neo-Zionists? Though Jews, many Neo-Zionists are atheists not Jewish. Their godless faith is in canons of deception, destruction and decadence. They sing the praises of greed and self-indulgence. Neo-Zionism (hell on earth) is not the same as Zionism (heaven on earth).


Because they have been outcast for millennia as socio-economic underdogs, Neo-Zionists surpass their former oppressors by perpetrating an ideology of ethnic cleansing and external expansion; by abandoning democratic norms in pursuit of redemptive violence against anyone who stands in their way without ethical or legal restraints; equipped with lethal modern warfare; under pretence of defence. Is Neo-Zionism worthy of another world war? They have already lost the war in the World Court of Public Opinion.


The Russian Federation in Concert with the European Union and NATO …


Mr Trump this might work. I know it’s like pulling teeth getting the European Union and the Russian Federation to work with each other. Yes, I have asked President Putin if he would consider joining the European Union and NATO in a Consortium to support the Arab League in bolstering the dialogue between the people of Israel-Palestine to orchestrate reconciliation? And are you ready for this? I’d like Iran to work together with Saudi Arabia as well. Why not? Why shouldn’t we try to kill three birds with one stone? 1) Peace between the Israeli – Palestinians! 2) Peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran (and everyone else in the greater region)! 3) Peace, once and for all, between the Russian Federation and the European Union! I’d rather do something great and fail than to succeed in doing nothing at all.


What if the Jews (who are but 1/12th of the Israelites) rediscover themselves and build the Zion of my parents’ dreams, a heaven on earth, a Zion belonging to all of Abraham’s descendants, all of God’s children, the God of all mankind? In the collective memory of NEVER AGAIN, the Israeli credo so genetically encoded in our history and hysteria, can be changed from “we will fight to the end, if we must…” to “do what’s right” (Major General Yair Golan). The lesson to be learned from the Biblical Abraham is not so much that he blindly followed God’s will to slaughter his son, but that he almost killed his own son, one of God’s own creation, mindlessly in God’s name.


The Region is meant to be shared because The Promised Land (Hebrew: הארץהמובטחת‎‎, translit.: Ha'Aretz HaMuvtahat; Arabic: أرضالميعاد translit.: Ard Al-Mi'ad) is the land which, according to the Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible), was promised and subsequently given by God to Abraham and [all] his descendants. Abraham’s legacy was that he lived a life filled with profound courage and moral imagination. He shared the Promised Land. And humbly, Abraham persisted on paying an honest price for his grave, which was much more than what the indigenous people wanted. They intended to present the land as a gift to one whom they revere.


Revealed as a dark side of Judaism, Neo-Zionism rules and dominates the Israeli zeitgeist beguiling and chaining many Jews into believing in something they are not. This aberration ruptures civility in Israel-Palestine. Neo-Zionism has split many Jewish families apart. Worse, Neo-Zionists, while waving the banner of Holy Goodness in the glare of world television, torment and inter the indigenous Palestinian Arabs into concentrated encampments to live a hell on earth. Without the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict, there would be an internal Israeli conflict that inevitably could unglue their social fabric now fragilely held intact by the fear mongering against a common enemy. Peace could bust the socio-cultural seams between the secular, the national-religious and the Orthodox; between the old Ashkenazi community, the Oriental Jews and the Sephardic Community; between the immigrants from the former Soviet Union and Ethiopia; between the Neo-Zionists (hell on earth) and the true ‘Zionists’ (heaven on earth); and could further alienate the Israeli-Arab citizens, whose separation from the rest is increasing. Socially, Israel is unstable. It is even worse economically. In Israel, the disparity between rich and poor, so underreported, is reprehensible.


In short, Sir, it will either have to be an Act of God or a Consortium comprised of the European Union, The Russian Federation, Iran, the Arab League, NATO and the United States, in concert with the United Nations – a power slate – to rein in the uncontrollable and violent monster that Neo-Zionism has become with its venomous tentacles that has numbed reason especially among the Evangelical Christian Right in the United States. And nothing will happen unless the good people in Israel democratically remove the Neo-Zionists from power and that won’t happen unless the Consortium will guarantee the security of all the people in Israel – Palestine. This could usher in a new era in the Region, what Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. referred to as, the ‘Beloved Community’.


The question: are you waiting on God to make peace or is God waiting on you and the rest of humanity? The alternative looks bleak. What if Russia, Iran and the Arab League in concert with the members of the United Nations, except the European Union and the United States take up the challenge to liberate all the people of Israel – Palestine; or, worse, what if the European Union together with the United States impose the ideology of Neo-Zionism upon the rest of the world?


Neo-Zionism defiles the good in the Abrahamic Faiths and defies the preponderant directive in the Sacred Texts: Revere the Stranger. Neo-Zionists are obsessed with creating an exclusionary community (kampf), a lebensraum for a ‘Chosen Few’, by deploying brute force without considering the consequences of the other; by unconscionably dispossessing them from their properties, displacing them from the land and imprisoning them in servitude behind iron walls with no hope to ever return; with neither compromise, concession or conciliation; them or us; the end justifies the means! It’s either ‘my way or the highway’. This perversion and aberration, this depraved, distorted and deviant ideology – this false religion – can never have a happy ending. Ask Nazi Germany!


We Europeans disdain Fascism and so does most of humanity as demonstrable to the vote (and veto) of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334, adopted on 23 December 2016. Neo-Zionism disgraces the Jewish way of life and is, in fact, anti-Semitic. One, who is ‘human’, in Yiddish ‘mensch’, can see through the mumbo-jumbo of Neo-Zionist propaganda. The Neo-Zionists can fool some of the people some of the time. They cannot fool all of the people all of the time. Yet, the Neo-Zionists parade themselves as kings wearing no clothes. They deny the reality that history is on the side of the nearly 400 million others in the Middle East, notwithstanding the true Zionists, the millions of Israelites – Palestinians, destined to spark as a light among nations.


I want Israel to survive. I want Palestine to be Palestine and the Palestinians honoured and respected with dignity. Neither can exist without the other. Both must reconcile with each other.  Neither can get away with murder nor can either get something for nothing. “Today’s status quo absolutely, to a certainty, I promise you 100 per cent, cannot be maintained. It’s not sustainable,” says former Secretary of State John Kerry. I cannot be more long-winded and as persuasive. Many Jews, especially the misinformed in the Diaspora, are blindly following the Neo-Zionists slippery slope toward self-destruction. Their only choice: build the bridge and come together. Any peace accord, without full reconciliation, will inevitably collapse. The wounds will only be temporarily soothed, letting the disease to stealthily spread and eventually erupt and explode again.


The Consortium can propose, not impose. “The world cannot impose peace upon the Israelis and Palestinians”, says French President Mr Francois Hollande but warned, “the Middle East cannot be stabilised without an accord”. Let us remain steadfast in walking the warring parties – holding them by the hands if we must – through the path of darkness into the light. The Consortium can buttress the Arab League led forum to help the Israelis and Palestinians cross the bridge toward peace. The Israelis and Arabs are, after all, neighbours. All sides must reconcile with the other and learn to live, work and enrich each other.


Both the Israel Democracy Institute and Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research suggest strongly that many Palestinians (44%) and a majority of Israeli Arabs (54%) prefer a multilateral forum in which major powers sponsor the negotiations.  

  • Among Israeli Jews, 27 per cent prefer a multilateral approach.
  • Only 22 per cent (a significant minority) of the Palestinians prefer bilateral negotiations while
  • Forty-one per cent (still a minority) of the Israeli Jews prefer the bilateral approach.
  • What’s more, findings show that a significant majority of Palestinians are almost equally open to either an Arab led forum or one led by the United Nations or the European Union, with support ranging between 20-22 per cent each, while only 8 per cent prefers a US-led effort.
  • A majority of Israeli Jews prefers almost equally an Arab forum (28%) and a US-led effort (26%).
    Among Israeli Arabs, support is greater for an UN-led approach (36%) and a EU-led one (27%).

President Trump, you’ve listened to the many voices in America. You are on target. You hit it on the nail. Despite the ruling elite the poor are still getting poorer, the rich are getting even richer and the United States is still a country at war. Will you please listen and respond to the voices of all the good people in Israel – Palestine? The vast majority of the Israeli Jews (73.8%), Israeli Arabs (97%) and the Palestinian Arabs (85.7%) want peace, heretofore, either not realised or denied by all sides of the Divide. This is breaking news affirmed by the Jerusalem-based Israel Democracy Institute and the Ramallah-based Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research. Check out their survey of Israeli and Palestinian Opinion (executive summary here, full survey here). Respondents include 1,270 Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem and 1,184 Jewish and Arab Israelis.


Most respondents are shocked that the other craves peace and just about all misconstrue each other’s intentions. It gets worse. Most everyone wants peace but few agree on the route to getting there. Even if I invite only the ‘peace makers’ to partake on a feast of culinary delights buffet-style, I’d have to separate them into two rooms. Why? One group, a small majority, wants a two-state solution (Israeli Jews 53.4%, Israeli Arabs 87.1%, Palestinians West bank 50.9%, Palestinians Gaza 52.1%). The other group, a minority, wants a one state solution (Israeli Jews 20.4%, Israeli Arabs 52.4%, Palestinians West bank 32.8%, Palestinians Gaza 37%).


But then you might think that each respective group would break bread together in their separate rooms. Wrong! Instead, they’d probably be breaking each others’ heads (figuratively speaking) arguing who’s right and who’s wrong, some still claiming “what’s mine is mine, what’s yours is mine also” and not even going forward with the notion “what should we do to once and for all get our children and theirs out of the quagmire, a quagmire of history and a quagmire prolonged by today’s deep traumas and collective hysteria?”


The Land of Israel is the Land of Palestine. After crushing the revolt of Shimon Bar Kokhba in 132 CE, the Romans, changed the name of Israel to ‘Palaestina’. 

  • The Palestinians are indigenous to the region not for decennia, not for centuries … for millennia.
  • The Israelites (not just Jews) are indigenous to the region not for decennia, not for centuries … for millennia. 
  • And through the ages they have lived and worked together and enriched each other, not just materially but especially spiritually. Islam and Christianity could never have evolved without Judaism. All observant Jews, Christians and Muslims are esteemed as People of the Book.

 Will the people in Israel – Palestine ever say to each other: “Welcome home”?


What if a growing number of Israelis and Palestinians respond to the higher calling of becoming a ‘light among nations’, ‘seeking the better angels of our nature’ and act accordingly as responsible citizens in the community of men and women, especially among those they have hurt so much? Can and will the Israelis and the Palestinians destroy their enemy by becoming friends with all the give and take to make and keep the friendship? They will want nothing more than a full reconciliation with their neighbours. “We can’t get away getting something for nothing … we can’t get away with murder … let’s tear down the walls between us, share the land, and break bread together … and here is cash, earnest money, a compensatory resolve to seal the deal.”


We cannot give up on the search for an end to this conflict,” says President Barack Obama in his response dated 16 August 2016 to my letter. So what is it that the people of Israel - Palestine really want? 

  • “Among Israeli Jews, 1) a Jewish majority (identity) is seen as the most important value (35%), followed by 2) peace (32%), 3) democracy (20%) and 4) a Greater Israel (10%). 
  • Among the Palestinians, 1) Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders and 2) the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with 3) East Jerusalem as its capital is seen as the most important value (45%), followed by 4) obtaining the right of return for refugees to their 1948 towns and villages (32%), and 5) building a pious or moral individual and a religious society (13%)”.

BOTTOM LINE, most Israelis and Palestinians want to be safe from ‘terrorist’ attacks, especially state terror. Most Palestinians worry more about jobs than about territory or borders. Most people on all sides want little more than for the other side to leave them alone. Before they are willing to break bread with the other, they would first want to put bread on their own tables to take care of their families and to raise their children. Everyone deserves to be happy. Everybody wants to wake up to a more fulfilled life. On all sides of the Divide, people do their best to provide food, shelter and education. Jews, Christians, and Muslims everywhere whisper the same daily prayer: ‘take care of our children’.


Sooner than later the people of Israel - Palestine can and will be Living Together, inside ONE Home Land within TWO borderless states, their ONLY option. Will the people of Israel - Palestine take up the challenge and converge toward a series of catalytic possibilities? The alternative will inevitably result in more cataclysmic calamities. 


Neo-Zionist leaders from Mr Ben Gurion to Mr Binyamen Netanyahu have, according to world public opinion, taken many wrong turns in their territorial obsessions – their rage and blind ambitions – to expand their lebensraum. Instead of triumphing in peaceful harmony, they have capitulated to tribal warfare on a collision course against their Judaic conscience. They have bastardised a beautiful God-given word ‘Zionism’, which the Sacred Texts define as “creating a heaven on earth for the people to become a light among nations”. Neo-Zionism (hell on earth) is not Zionism (heaven on earth).


There is an alternative. Many work their hammer to forge steel, to shape something that lasts. Others pick up their hammer to shatter glass, to harm, injure and destroy. We are all challenged to choose either of these two options, day in and day out. Israelis and Palestinians must reclaim their guiding principles and fundamental beliefs derived from the Sacred Texts: “love your neighbour,” “love the stranger,” or “justice, justice shalt thou pursue”. Israel - Palestine is after all the Holy Land. The essence of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam insists upon its adherents to trust their moral compass, synchronized with moral courage and moral imagination to envisage full acceptance of Israelis and Palestinians; Jews, Christians and Muslims (and not just in Israel - Palestine).


Mr President, could you convince Congress to help endorse my proposed Consortium Complement to the Arab Peace Initiative?


  1. To start, I want Europe to apologize to the people of Israel and to the people of Palestine. After all, we started and are still part of the problem. The European Union can help move mountains. Fortified with an invincible NATO, the EU is also the most powerful economy on earth, almost bigger than the combined economies of the United States and China. Being ‘more’ European than most, a dual national of the United Kingdom and of The Netherlands, born on the outskirts of Israel - Palestine (on the SS Atlantis, British Ship, Red Sea), let me be among the first to say: “I am sorry. I am sorry what we’ve done to the Jews. I am sorry what we’ve done to the Palestinians.” I speak volumes, in silence.
  2. Second, I propose that Europe and the world measure the State of Palestine and the State of Israel according to one standard with fairness and equitability.
  3. Third, I propose that Europe and the world recognise Israel and Palestine and treats both equally as de-facto NATO ‘affiliates’ so that neither may ever attack, invade, and occupy the other. Frankly, Israel already embraces de-facto NATO status. Iran will never officially attack Israel, despite the rhetoric and spin and fears perpetrated by and from all sides. Iran fears NATO, not Israel. 
  4. Fourth, I propose borderless boundaries or virtual borders, to facilitate freedom of movement and the right of passage for EVERYONE. Yes, with a BENELUX-type structure one may freely cross the many divides in the region. Citizens of one country may freely work, travel and live in the other – i.e., Jewish settlements sited in Palestine –, but remain citizens in their own states. So, Israel remains Israel. Palestine remains Palestine. Jerusalem remains Jerusalem but everyone in the region may live and work where they please but vote only in his or her own country. This is nothing new. Is Europe a single federation or a union of individual nations? Both! Am I proposing a one-state solution or a two-state solution? Depending on the eye of the beholder, it could be either or both (see Petition ‘Living Apart Together’).
  5. Fifth, I propose that the warring parties compensate the other for losses incurred because no one should get something for nothing. How? Invoke Europe to construct a EU-type Marshall Plan and lend the money to Israel and to Palestine to enable them to compensate the other, proportionate to the degrees of harm done. Because of Europe’s negligence, we should not sweep our culpability under the rug. We caused the conflicts. We are the culprits. Europe owes it to the Israelis and the Palestinians to sweeten the Arab Peace Initiative with many hundreds of billions of euros in grants and loan guaranties. Europe could monetise the EU-type Marshall Plan with a computer entry, the modus operandi used by the United States when it didn’t have a dime to spare after World War II. Newly ‘printed money’ flooded Europe with ‘hard currency’ without causing a Weimar-type hyperinflation. Economies coming out of the ashes cannot be overheated because ash does not burn. Today, Europe can flush cash into Israel - Palestine for micro and macro development to generate jobs, jobs, jobs. As the supplier of all materials, the exclusive purveyor of all goods, products and services, Europe will especially benefit precisely how the United States benefited from the Marshall Plan. Since the late 1940’s through the 1950’s we Europeans bought just about everything from the Americans, rebooting their manufacturing base and the humming of their plants. And today, we’re still the largest investors in the United States.
  6. Sixth, I want justice because no one should get away with murder. Should we hang Netanyahu like Sadam? No! Let’s move forward and go beyond a justice based on tit for tat, despite what Netanyahu did to the Palestinians as Sadam did to the Kurds. As a response to ‘a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye’ one could choose to give a tooth or to give an eye if needed and warranted. Why not reach the pinnacle of becoming the light of the world, each committing to become an instrument of blessing, and Give the Gifts that God has Given.
  7. Seventh, I would prefer an Act of Reconciliation similar to the one in South Africa under the tenets ‘live, let live’ rather than ‘kill, get killed’; and, ‘forgive in order to forget’, a fundamental economic principle, and a precious lesson in life.
  8. Eighth, I propose that the people in the Region vote to temporarily (perhaps for five years) demilitarize the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) and the ‘Palestinian Defence Forces (PDF)’ as a condition to enable NATO to guarantee security for all Israelis and all Palestinians with NATO troops wearing white helmets, costs to be proportionately defrayed among the Israelis and Palestinians derived from new-found revenues as a result of the new capital infused by Europe. From the beginning, the IDF and the ‘PDF’ have also been destabilizing factors. Their aims, portrayed as Divinely inspired, depicted with the best of intentions, have often been counterproductive for the greater good of the Region and the world.
  9. Ninth, invoke the Arab League together with the European Union and The Holy See to consider investing an estimated EU 100+ million to finance the work of thousands of Peace Corps Professionals to help the people of Israel/Palestine to believe in their own self-esteem as well as the worthiness and goodness of the other.
  10. And, tenth, LEAVE THE HOLY SITES IN THE HOLY CITY ALONE! Until things REALLY cool down entrust them tentatively to something like a UNESCO Trust. The Holy sites in the Holy City belong to everyone because those who have faith in the God of Abraham also believe that God is the God of Adam and Eve, the God of all mankind. West Jerusalem becomes the capital of Israel. East Jerusalem becomes the capital of Palestine with no borders to separate either. Why? God views Israel and Palestine as one and the same.

Can, will the good people of Israel - Palestine rid themselves of the hurdles, real or imagined? At present, “only 39 per cent of Palestinians and 46 per cent of Israelis support a peace agreement package” [riddled with obstacles] that comprises (and must be revised and renegotiated): 


  1. A de-militarized Palestinian state [rejected by 80% Palestinians but supported by 61% Israelis]
  2. An Israeli withdrawal to the Green Line with equal territorial exchange [rejected by 56% Israelis; supported by 61% Palestinians]
  3. A family unification in Israel of [ONLY] 100,000 Palestinian refugees [overwhelmingly rejected by both; not enough for the Palestinians, too many for the Israelis]
  4. West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel; and,
  5. East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine; and,
  6. The Jewish Quarter and the Western Wall under Israeli sovereignty; and,
  7. The Muslim and Christian quarters and the al Haram al Sharif / Temple Mount under Palestinian sovereignty [all seemingly prayers without an end in sight], and
  8. The end of the conflict [ironically supported by all, but impeded by all the stumbling blocks]; and,
  9. Cease and desist all future claims against the other [supported by most Israelis, rejected by most Palestinians because they’re not going to let the Israelis get something for nothing and neither side will permit the other to get away with murder]”.

What matters most to the Israelis and the Palestinians? Just about all prefer to trust, not fear, the other. The people of the region must start getting to know each other. As long as each community clings to its own story, unable to acknowledge what is plausible in the story of the other side, peace will remain a distant hope.


The statistical indicators of The Palestinian-Israeli Pulse make that clear. “The level of threat on both sides regarding the aspirations of the other side in the long run is very high: 


  • Fifty-four per cent of Palestinians think that Israel’s goal is to extend its borders to cover all area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea and expel its Arab citizens.
  • Some 27 per cent [Palestinians] think Israel’s goal is to annex the West Bank while denying political rights to the Palestinians.
  • Some 35 per cent Israelis (40% Israeli Jews and 8% Israeli Arabs) think Palestinians’ main aspirations is to conquer the State of Israel and destroy much of its Jewish population; 19 per cent [Israelis] think the goal of the Palestinians is to take over the entire state of Israel.
  • Only 17 per cent of the Palestinians think Israel’s long term intention is to withdraw from all (7%) or some (10%) of the territories occupied in 1967 after guaranteeing its security.
  • Some 37 per cent of Israelis (33% of Israeli Jews and 61% of Israeli Arabs) think the aspirations of the Palestinians are limited to regaining some (21%) or all (16%) of the territories conquered in 1967”.

BREAKING NEWS! “When we asked Palestinians and Israelis to tell us what they think the long-term aspirations of their side are, the picture shows that the two sides perceive much more moderate aspirations on their side than anticipated by the other side. 

  • Only 12 per cent of Israelis say the aspirations of Israel is to annex the West Bank and expel the Palestinians living there;
  • Eighteen per cent of Israelis say that Israel intends to annex the West Bank without granting political rights to the Palestinians living there.
  • Among the Palestinians, only 10 per cent of the Palestinians say that the Palestinians aspiration is to conquer the State of Israel and destroy much of its Jewish population; 15% say Palestinians aspirations are to conquer the State of Israel and regain control over pre-1948 Palestine”.  

That’s what it’s going to take, full reconciliation to secure real and sustainable peace. In the past, those in command of the peace talks dare not take off at full throttle. The results: one deadlock after the other. Oslo, Ottawa, Shepherdstown, The Wye Plantation, Annapolis, Geneva, Madrid, Nicosia, Washington, D.C., London, Bonn, and Vienna have succeeded in producing stalemates often ending in standoffs with one foot in the stirrup, the other in the sand.


We all do have a lot of blood on our hands. Not one world power is exempt. The 500,000 Syrians who have martyred their lives, a debauchery of the International Community, are a scratch on the tip of the iceberg. I resent what has happened there. I don’t want a repeat, albeit inevitable, unless the Neo-Zionists surrender, preferably democratically, to the greater wants, needs and interests of the majority of all the people in the region and the world. If it isn’t obvious to the Neo-Zionists, it should be perfectly clear to all other Israelis – Palestinians. The world is making them an offer. They cannot refuse.


The task is no longer a question of ‘who is right’ but to focus on building a path that will be best served for all. Let’s start fresh and anew. The timing is opportune. We need stability in the Region. If peace is possible there, it is possible everywhere.


With every good wish to you, Mr Trump, I am,


Respectfully yours,




Abraham A. van Kempen




Carbon Copy (cc) To:


Vice President Mike Pence

President Barack H. Obama

President Jimmy Carter

President Bill Clinton

President George W. Bush




Mr. Reuven Rivlin

President of the State of Israel


Mr. Binyamin NETANYAHU

Prime Minister of Israel and

Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o Mr. Ron Dermer

Israel's Ambassador to the United States


c/o H.E. Mr. Aviv Shir-On 

Israel's Ambassador to the Kingdom of Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Ron Prosor

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations




Mr. Mahmoud Abbas

President of the State of Palestine


Dr. Rami Hamdallah

Prime Minister of the State of Palestine


Mr. Riad Al-Malki

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Palestine


c/o H.E. Mr. Maen Rashid Areikat

PLO Ambassador to the U.S.


c/o H.E.  Dr. Nabil Abuznaid

Head of the Palestinian Mission to the Kingdom of Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Riyad H. Mansour

Ambassador and Permanent Observer

Permanent Observer Mission of the State of Palestine to the United Nation


Holy See


His Holiness Pope Francis


His Eminence Cardinal Pietro PAROLIN

Secretary of State


c/o H.E. Archbishop Carlo Maria VIGANO

Apostolic Nuncio to the United States


c/o H.E. Archbishop Aldo Cavalli

Apostolic Nuncio to the Kingdom of Netherlands


H.E. Archbishop Bernardito Auza

Ambassador and Permanent Observer Representative of the Holy See to the United Nations


The European Union


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Ms. Federica Mogherini

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The European Commission


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The European Commission


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The European Commission


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The European Commission


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The European Commission


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Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen

Federal President of the Republic of Austria


Mr. Christian Kern

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The Hon. Sebastian Kurz

Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Dr. Wolfgang Waldner

Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to the United States


c/o H.E.

Israel's Ambassador to the Kingdom of Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Jan Kickert

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations




His Majesty King PHILIPPE

King of the Belgians


Mr. Charles MICHEL Prime Minister

Prime Minister of Belgium



Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Dirk Wouters

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c/o H.E. Mr. Chris Hoornaert  

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H.E. Mr. Marc Pecsteen de Buytswerve

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President of the Republic of Bulgaria


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Daniel MITOV

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H.E. Mr. Georgi Panayotov

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Ms. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović

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Mr. Andrej Plenković

Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia


Mr. Davor Ivo Stier

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c/o H.E. Mr. Josip Paro

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c/o H.E. Ms. Andrea Gustović-Ercegovac

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H.E. Mr. Vladimir DROBNJAK

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President of the Republic of Cyprus



Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Leonidas Pantelides

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c/o H.E. Mr. Elpidoforos Economou

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H.E. Mr. Andreas Ignatiou

Permanent Representative

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Czech Republic


Mr. Miloš Zeman

President of the Czech Republic


Mr. Bohuslav SOBOTKA

Prime Minister of the Czech Republic


Mr. Lubomir ZAORALEK,

Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Petr GANDALOVIC

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c/o H.E. Ms. Jana Reinišová

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H.E. Mrs. Marie CHATARDOVÁ Permanent Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the United Nations




Her Majesty Queen MARGRETHE II

The Queen of the Kingdom of Denmark


Mr. Lars Løkke Rasmussen

Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Denmark


Mr. Anders Samuelsen

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Denmark


c/o H.E. Mr. Lars Gert Lose

Ambassador of Denmark to the US


c/o H.E. Mr. Ole E. Moesby

Ambassador of the Denmark  to the Kingdom of the Netherlands



Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Denmark to the United Nations




Mr. Kersti Kaljulaid

President of the Republic of Estonia


Mr. Jüri Ratas

Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia


Mr. Sven Mikser

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia


c/o H.E. Mr. Eerik MARMEI

Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia to US


c/o H.E. Mr. Peep Jahilo

Ambassador of the Estonia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Sven Jürgenson

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President of the Republic of Finland


Mr. Juha Sipilä

Prime Minister of the Republic of Finland


Mr. Timo Soini

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Finland


c/o H.E. Ms. Kirsti Kauppi

Ambassador of Finland to US


c/o H.E. Ms. Katri Viinikka

Ambassador of the Finland to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


Mr. Kai Jürgen Mikael Sauer

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Finland to the United Nations


France (G8)


Mr. Francois HOLLANDE

President of the Republic of France


Mr. Bernard Cazeneuve

Prime Minister of the Republic of France


Mr. Jean-Marc Ayrault

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development


c/o H.E. Mr. Gerard ARAUD

Ambassador of France to the United States


c/o H.E. Mr. Philippe Lalliot

Ambassador of the France to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Francois DELATTRE

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations


Germany (G8)


Mr. Joachim GAUCK

Federal President


Mrs. Angela MERKEL

Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany


Mr. Frank-Walter STEINMEIER

Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Peter WITTIG

Ambassador of Germany to the US


c/o H.E. Mr. Dirk Brengelmann

Ambassador of the Germany to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Harald BRAUN

Permanent Representative

United Nations New York




Mr. Prokopis Pavlopoulos

President of the Hellenic Republic


Mr. Alexis Tsipras

Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic


Mr. Nikos Kotzias

Minister for Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Haris Lalacos

Ambassador to the United States


c/o H.E. Mr. Dimitris Chronopoulos

Ambassador of the Greece to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Ms. Catherine Boura

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Greece to the United Nations




Mr. Janos ADER

President of the Republic of Hungary


Mr. Viktor ORBAN

Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary


Mr. Péter Szijjártó

Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade


c/o H.E. Ms. Réka Szemerkényi

Ambassador of Hungary to the United States


c/o H.E. Mr András Kocsis

Ambassador of Hungary to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Ms. Katalin Annamária Bogyay Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Hungary to the United Nations




Mr. Michael Daniel HIGGINS

President of Ireland


Mr. Enda KENNY

Prime Minister of Ireland


Mr. Charles FLANAGAN

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade


c/o H.E. Ms. Anne Colette ANDERSON

Ambassador of Ireland to US


c/o H.E. Mr. Kevin Kelly

Ambassador of Ireland to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. David Denis DONOGHUE

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Ireland to the United Nations


Italy (G8)


Mr. Sergio Mattarella

President of the Republic of Italy


Mr. Paolo Gentiloni

Prime Minister of the Republic of Italy


Mr. Angelino Alfano

Minister for Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E.Mr. Armando Varricchio

Ambassador of Italy in the US


c/o H.E. Mr. Francesco Azzarello

Ambassador of Italy to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Sebastiano CARDI

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations




Mr. Raimonds Vējonis

President of Latvia


Māris Kučinskis

Prime Minister of Latvia


Edgars Rinkēvičs

Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Andris RAZANS

Ambassador of Latvia to the US


c/o H. E. Mrs. Ilze Rūse

Ambassador of Latvia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Janis MAZEIKS

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Latvia to the United Nations





President of the Republic of Lithuania



Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania



Minister for Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Rolandas Kriščiūnas

Ambassador to the United States


c/o H.E. Mr. Darius Jonas SEMAŠKA

Ambassador of Lithuania to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Ms. Raimonda MURMOKAITE

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Lithuania to the United Nations




His Royal Highness Grand Duke HENRI

Grand Duke of Luxembourg


Mr. Xavier BETTEL

Prime Minister of Luxembourg



Minister of Foreign and European Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Jean-Louis WOLZFELD

Ambassador of Luxembourg in the US


c/o H.E. Mr. Pierre-Louis LORENZ 

Ambassador of Luxembourg to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Christian Braun Permanent Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the United Nations




Mrs. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca

President of the Republic of Malta


Mr. Joseph MUSCAT

Prime Minister of the Republic of Malta


Dr. George VELLA

Minister for Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Pierre Clivve Agius

Ambassador to the United States


c/o H.E. Mr. Joseph Cole

Ambassador of Malta to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Oscar de Rojas Permanent Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Malta to the United Nations


The Netherlands



King of the Netherlands


Mr. Mark Rutte

Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands


Mr. Bert Koenders

Minister for Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Henne Schuwer

Ambassador of the Netherlands in the US


H.E. Mr. Karel Jan Gustaaf VAN OOSTEROM

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Netherlands to the United Nations




Mr. Andrzej Duda

President of the Republic of Poland


Mrs. Beata Szydło

Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland


Mr. Witold Waszczykowski

Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Piotr Wilczek

Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in US


c/o H.E. Dr Jan Borkowski

Ambassador of Poland to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Boguslaw WINID

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Poland to the United Nations




Mr. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

President of the Portuguese Republic


Mr. António Costa

Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic


Mr. Augusto Santos Silva

Minister for Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Domingos Fezas Vital

Ambassador of Portugal to the US


H.E. Mr. Álvaro José Costa de Mendonça e Moura

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Portugal to the United Nations




Mr. Klaus Iohannis

President of Romania


Mr. Sorin Grindeanu

Prime Minister of Romania


Mr. Teodor-Viorel Meleşcanu

Minister for Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. George Cristian MAIOR

Ambassador of Romania in the United States


c/o H.E. Ms. Ireny Comaroschi

Ambassador of Romania to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Ion Jinga

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Romania to the United Nations




Mr. Andrej Kiska

President of the Slovak Republic


Mr. Robert FICO

Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic


Mr. Miroslav LAJCAK

Ministerfor Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Peter KMEC

Ambassador of the Slovak Republic in the US


c/o H.E. Mr. Roman Bužek

Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Frantisek RUZICKA

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to the United Nations




Mr. Borut PAHOR

President of the Republic of Slovenia


Mr. Miro CERAR

Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia



Minister for Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Bozo CERAR

Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the U.S.


c/o H.E. Mr. Roman Kirn

Ambassador of Slovenia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Andrej LOGAR

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Slovenia to the United Nations




His Majesty King FELIPE VI

King of Spain


Mr. Mariano RAJOY Brey

Prime Minister of Spain


Mr. Alfonso María Dastis

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation


c/o H.E. Mr. Ramon GIL-CASARES Satrustegu

Ambassador of Spain to the U.S.


c/o H.E. Mr. Fernando Arias González

Ambassador of Spain to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Roman OYARZUN Marchesi

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Spain to the United Nations




His Majesty King CARL XVI GUSTAF

King of Sweden


Mr. Stefan LOFVEN

Prime Minister of Sweden



Minister for Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Bjorn LYRVALL

Ambassador of Sweden in the US


c/o H.E. Mr. Per Holmström

Ambassador of Sweden to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Olof Skoog

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Sweden to the United Nations


United Kingdom (G8)

Her Majesty Queen ELIZABETH II


The Rt Hon Theresa May MP

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom


The Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP

Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs


c/o H.E. Sir Nigel Sheinwald

British Ambassador to the United States


c/o H.E Sir Geoffrey Adams

British Ambassador to the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Matthew Rycroft

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations



Mr. Gjorge IVANOV, President


Mr. Nikola POPOSKI

Minister for Foreign Affairs


H.E. Mr. Vasko Naumovski

Macedonian Ambassador to the United States


H.E. Mr. Mr. Igor Popov

Ambassador of Mcedonia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


c/o H.E. Mr. Vasile ANDONOSKI

Permanent Representative

United Nations New York




His Majesty King HARALD V

King of Norway



Prime Minister of Norway


Mr. Borge BRENDE

Minister for Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Kare AAS

Ambassador of Norway in the US


c/o H.E. Mr. Martin Sørby

Ambassador of Norway to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Geir Otto PEDERSEN

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Norway to the United Nations


Canada (G8)


The Rt Hon David JOHNSTON

Governor General of Canada


Mr. Justin Trudeau

Prime Minister of Canada


The Hon. Stéphane Dion

Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. MacNaughton

Ambassador of Canada in the US


c/o H.E. Ms. Sabine Nölke

Ambassador of Canada to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Marc-André Blanchard

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations


Japan (G8)


His Majesty Emperor AKIHITO

Emperor of Japan


Mr. Shinzo ABE

Prime Minister of Japan



Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Kenichiro SASAE

Ambassador of Japan in the US


c/o H.E. Mr. Hiroshi Inomata

Ambassador of Japan to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Koro Bessho

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations


Russia (G8)


Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovich PUTIN

President of the Russian Federation


Mr. Dmitriy Anatolyevich MEDVEDEV

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation


Mr. Sergey Viktorovich LAVROV

Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Sergey Ivanovich KISLYAK

Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the U.S.


c/o H.E. Mr. Alexander Vasilievich SHULGIN

Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Vitaliy Ivanovich CHURKIN

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations


The Middle East




His Majesty King HAMAD bin Isa Al Khalifa

King of Bahrain


H.E. Prince Khalifa bin Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa

Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain


H.E. Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifah

Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. ABDALLAH bin Muhammad bin Rashid Al Khalifa

Ambassador to the United States


H.E. Mr. Jamal Faris al-RUWAYI

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bahrain to the United Nations




Mr. Abdel Fattah Said ELSISI

President of the Arab Repulic of Egypt


Mr. Ibrahim MEHLAB

Prime Minister of the Arab Repulic of Egypt


Mr. Sameh Hassan SHOUKRY

Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Yasser Reda

Ambassador to the United States


c/o H.E. Mr. Taher Ahmed Farahat 

Ambassador of Egypt to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Amr Abde-latif ABOULATTA

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Egypt to the United Nations




His Eminence Ayatollah Ali Hoseini-KHAMENEI

Supreme Leader


Mr. Hasan Fereidun RUHANI

President of the Islamic Republic of Iran


Dr. Mohammad Javad ZARIF-Khonsari

Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o Alireza Jahangiri

Ambassador of Iran to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Gholamali Khoshroo

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iran to the United Nations




Mr. Fuad MASUM

President of the Republic of Iraq


Mr. Haydar al-ABADI

Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq


Dr. Ibrahim al-JAFARI

Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Mr. Fareed Yasseen

Ambassador to the United States


c/o H.E. Mr. Saywan Barzan

Ambassador of Iraq to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Muhammad Ali al-HAKIM

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations




His Majesty King ABDALLAH II

King of Jordan


Dr. Hani Al-Mulki

Prime Minister of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan


Mr. Nasser JUDEH, Minister

Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Ms. Dina Kawar

Ambassador to the United States


H.E. Dr. Sima Sami Bahous

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Jordan to the United Nations




His Highness Amir SABAH al-Ahmad al-Jabir al-Sabah

Emir of Kuwait


Sheikh JABIR AL-MUBARAK al-Hamad al-Sabah

Prime Minister of Kuwait


H.E. SABAH AL-KHALID al-Hamad al-Sabah

Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. SALIM al-Abdallah al-Jabir al-Sabah

Ambassador to the United States


c/o H.E. Mr Hafeez Mohammed Salem Alajmi

Ambassador of Kuwait to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Mansur Ayad al-UTAYBI

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Kuwait to the United Nations




Mr. Michel Aoun

President of the Republic of Lebanon



Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Antoine CHEDID

Ambassador to the United States


c/o Ms. Abir Ali 
Chargé d'Affaires a.i., Embassy of Lebanon to the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Nawaf SALAM

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Lebanon to the United Nations




His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Al-Said

Sultan of Oman


c/o H.E. Mrs. Hunaina bint Sultan bin Ahmad al-MUGHAIRI

Ambassador to the United States


c/o H.E. Muhammed Harub Al Said

Ambassador of Oman to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mrs. Lyutha bint Sultan bin Ahmad al-MUGHAIRI

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Oman to the United Nations




His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani

Emir of Qatar


H.E. Sheikh Abdullah Bin Naser Bin Khalifa Al-Thani

Prime Minister of Qatar


Dr. KHALID bin Muhammad al-Atiyah

Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Muhammad bin Jaham Abd al-Aziz al-KUWARI

Ambassador to the United States


c/o H.E. Mr. Khalid Fahad AL-Khater

Ambassador of Qatar to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Sheikha Alya Ahmed Saif AL THANI

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Qatar to the United Nations


Saudi Arabia


His Majesty King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

King of Saudi Arabia


c/o H.E. Mr. Adil al-Ahmad al-JUBAYR

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Ambassador in the US


c/o H.E. Mr.Abdulaziz bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Abohaimed

Ambassador of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques in the Hague


H.E. Abdallah bin Yahya al-MUALLAMI

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations



Mr. Bashar al-ASAD

President of the Syrian Arab Republic


Mr. Imad Mohammad Deeb Khamis

Prime Minister of the Syrian Arab Republic


Mr. Walid al-MUALEM, Minister

Minister of Foreign Affairs


Bashar al-JAFARI

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Syria to the United Nations




Mr. Recep Tayyip ERDOGAN

President of Turkey


Mr. Binali Yıldırım

Prime Minister of Turkey



Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Mr. Serdar KILIC

Ambassador to the United States


c/o H.E. Mr. Sadik Arslan

Ambassador of Turkey to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mr. Yasar Halit CEVIK

Permanent Representative

United Nations New York


United Arab Emirates


His Highness KHALIFA bin Zayid Al Nuhayyan

President of the United Arab Emirates


His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Vice President and Prime Minister


His Highness ABDALLAH bin Zayid Al Nuhayyan

Minister of Foreign Affairs


c/o H.E. Yusif bin Mani bin Said al-UTAYBA

Ambassador to the United States


c/o H.E. Mr. Saeed Ali Yousef Alnowais

Ambassador of United Arab Emirates to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


H.E. Mrs. Lana Zaki NUSAYBA

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the United Arab Emirates to the United Nation



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