Correspondences World Leaders

  • Open letter to President Obama

    Open letter from Abraham A. van Kempen to Mr. Joe Biden, President of the USA
    February 18, 2015 13:02

     By: Abraham A. van Kempen


    Dear Mr. President,


    The ‘Sadness Silence Can’t Touch,’ as so eloquently expressed by the American Poet, Dario Robleto, has got to be the defining feud of our time, the Israeli-Palestinian Struggle for Co-existence. The players are stuck with one foot in the stirrup, the other in the sand. “Today’s status quo absolutely, to a certainty, I promise you 100 percent, cannot be maintained. It’s not sustainable,” says Secretary of State John Kerry. Instead of heading toward an American Indian model, with Palestinians on reservations amid a sea of Israeli settlements and security zones, why not open borders with freedom of movement? Mr. President, many people around the world would like to hear you say: “Mr. Netanyahu, tear down those walls”.


    Living Apart Together

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