Correspondences World Leaders

World Peace

February 13, 2024

I'm writing this letter to ask you and leaders around the world a question.

Open letter from Martin to Mr. Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China

To world leaders like yourself,


Greetings. I am an American that wants peace in our world. I only have one simple question, Why?


Let me explain. Our world Earth is changing for the worse. Mother Earth is crying, hurting, and its dying. Pretty simple. There are no other words to explain it so... Why wars? Why kill humans? Why government takeovers? Why bully other countries? Why, why, why?


Mother Earth is home to humans. It's our world. We have no other place to go. So why destroy it? Why can't we all save it? Fathers, mothers, grandparents, and children are dying cause hunger, illness, drugs, and most importantly wars. Why is it so hard to come together as world leaders to save Mother Earth? Why? Russia-Ukraine why? Isreal-Palestine why? Middle East - United States Why? China - Taiwan why? As a citizen of Earth, I speak for every Father, Mother, Grandparent, and child in our world. Give us water, and food, cure illness, and homelessness.


Give us back Mother Earth so we all can live in peace. Let the Sun decide our fate not wars. Please, no more wars. Wishing you and your wonderful citizens love and peace.



JC Martinez- United States of America