Correspondences World Leaders

American vs. German Ideology: The Syrian Refugee Crisis

September 07, 2016


I am writing this letter because this was an assignment in my contemporary world issues class at school.

Open letter from Montana Preston to Mr Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany

Hello Mrs. Angela Merkel,


As I'm sure you know, currently there is an election taking place in the U.S., and one of the major topics of discussion is the entry of Syrian Refugees into our borders. My country (The United States of America) has been reluctant to let these refugees in, as we have accepted far less refugees than Germany. America has voiced concerns that these refugees may not be willing to adapt to American culture. Also, an even bigger concern is that ISIS may infiltrate or pose as refugees in order to gain entry in our country and thus carry out terrorist attacks, putting citizens in danger. My question to you is, what makes you so willing to allow these refugees in, and how does your country benefit from doing so? America has been very cautious on whom we let into our country, issuing background checks and severely limiting the number of Syrian refugees we allow within our borders, whereas Germany has more of an open-door policy. Do you worry about bringing these refugees in? And at any point did you doubt the acceptance of these people into your country, or have you always been a strong advocate of letting people from high risk/unstable countries into your borders? In my own personal opinion, I believe that allowing these unknown people into America’s borders is very dangerous. Granted majority of them are truly just refugees in search of safety and escape from persecution, ISIS is always looking for ways to kill those who do not believe in their belief system. They surely see this refugee crisis as a perfect opportunity to gain entry into our borders. I do not believe that letting these people in is worth potentially sacrificing the lives of many American citizens. Because Germany is part of the European Union, which lacks secure borders between member countries, this decision would not only affect Germany, but the rest of the EU. As a result of this decision, for example, Hungary built a fence along its border, concerned about letting these refugees in their country. This demonstrates that countries within the EU have varying opinions on how to address the refugee crisis. Finally, you have obviously been known as a champion of accepting refugees. Knowing how America has reacted in this Syrian Refugee Crisis, how do you view the U.S.?

Thank You, Montana Preston