The Friday Edition

Ecumenical Organizations Join in Unprecedented Call

Three Ecumenical Organizations Release Unprecedented Letter


The National Council of Churches (NCC) joins with Christians Uniting in Christ (CUIC) and Christian Churches Together (CCT) in sending a letter to congregations across the United States. The letter issues “an invitation to join together in witnessing to the resurrection of Jesus for all in the United States to see.”

The letter states, “Holy Week is April 6-12 for Western Christians and April 13-19 for Orthodox Christians. If we are still being asked to remain physically separated from each other and our worship spaces, would you consider inviting your congregations to do one or more of the following as a witness to our jointly held faith in Christ?”

Christians are asked to join in specific acts of worship as they celebrate this unprecedented Holy Week and Easter. The letter, a poster, and a children’s coloring page can be downloaded at the links below. Please share these resources with your congregations and friends!