Common Grounds

Our Wednesday News Analysis | The West's hypocrisy towards Gaza's breakout is stomach-turning

October 13, 2023

Source: Middle East Eye


By Jonathan Cook
Published October 8, 2023


There will be little sympathy in the West as, yet again, besieged Palestinians are bombed by Israel, the immense suffering justified by the term 'Israeli retaliation'

Mourners react during the funeral of Palestinian twin babies Ossayd and Mohammad Abu Hmaid, their mother and their three sisters killed in Israeli strikes in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip on 8 October 2023 (Reuters)



"… the human spirit cannot be caged indefinitely. Palestinians in Gaza have been constantly devising new ways to break free from their chains.


The rhetoric of its current government of fascists and Jewish supremacists may be particularly ugly, but there is a broad consensus among Israelis of all political stripes that the Palestinians must continue to be oppressed.


'teach them a lesson’, a lesson no one in Israel can articulate beyond asserting that Palestinians must accept their permanent inferiority and imprisonment."




Editor’s Note | Before it gets better, it will get worse.


Five hundred Palestinians — mostly the innocent caught at the wrong moment and time — will be slain for every Israeli killed. The Israelis will kill, steal, and destroy an occupied and defenseless people with their One Thousand-Eyes-for-ONE-eye reprisals. The brush fire will turn into a holocaust.


Nonetheless, we are at a turning point in history. The world is glued to their TV sets, especially the 400 million Arabs surrounding Israel.


If the Western Alliance continues to aid and abet Israeli atrocities, it will lose the little credibility it has left. This Conflict is no longer regional. Just about everyone on earth has a smartphone. Though manipulated and exploited, the real or imagined news has become omnipresent.


People know right from wrong. It is wrong to oppress and dispossess and displace and imprison others en masse.




The current outpouring of sympathy for Israel should make anyone with half a heart retch...


Read more: The West's hypocrisy towards Gaza's breakout is stomach-turning





Source: Haaretz


By Gideon Levy
Published October 9, 2023

Iron Dome firing at rockets over Ashkelon on Saturday. We thought we could arrogantly keep rejecting any attempt at a diplomatic solution.Credit: Ilan Assayag


Source: Haaretz


By Gideon Levy
Published October 9, 2023



"Behind all this lies Israeli arrogance; the idea that we can do whatever we like, that we’ll never pay the price and be punished for it.


We’ll carry on undisturbed."



Behind all this lies Israeli arrogance; the idea that we can do whatever we like, that we’ll never pay the price and be punished for it. We’ll carry on undisturbed.


We’ll arrest, kill, harass, dispossess and protect the settlers busy with their pogroms. We'll visit Joseph’s Tomb, Othniel’s Tomb and Joshua’s Altar in the Palestinian territories, and of course the Temple Mount – over 5,000 Jews on Sukkot alone.


We’ll fire at innocent people, take out people’s eyes and smash their faces, expel, confiscate, rob, grab people from their beds, carry out ethnic cleansing and of course continue with the unbelievable siege of the Gaza Strip, and everything will be all right.


We’ll build a terrifying obstacle around Gaza – the underground wall alone cost 3 billion shekels ($765 million) – and we’ll be safe. We’ll rely on the geniuses of the army's 8200 cyber-intelligence unit and on the Shin Bet security service agents who know everything. They’ll warn us in time...


Read more: Opinion | Israel Can’t Imprison Two Million Gazans Without Paying a Cruel Price





Source: The Electronic Intifada


By Joseph Massad
Published October 8, 2023


Palestinian fighters with the Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, pictured in Gaza in July. Majdi FathiAPA images



"UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres , stated:


'Civilians must be respected and protected by international humanitarian law at all times, calling for the 'immediate release of all abducted persons.'


But there was no word from Guterres on the more than 5,000 Palestinian POWs and abductees – a term he never uses to describe the Palestinians Israel abducts and imprisons – in Israel’s dungeons.


Nor did he express any consideration of the Palestinian right
to resist occupation under international law."



What can motorized paragliders do in the face of one of the most formidable militaries in the world?


Apparently much in the hands of an innovative Palestinian resistance, which early on Saturday morning launched a surprise attack on Israel by air, land and sea. Indeed as stunning videos show, these paragliders have become the air force of the Palestinian resistance.


Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, the major offensive led by Hamas on 7 October, was not expected by anyone...


Read more: Just another battle or the Palestinian war of liberation?