Common Grounds

Faith is Purified in Fire … Through the Cross

April 16, 2020

Living Words from John Paul II

Edited by Abraham A. van Kempen


Published Sunday, 19 April 2020

Each week we let Saint Pope John Paul II share meaningful signposts to spark socio-economic resolves through justice and righteousness combined with mercy and compassion; in short, love.


Dear friends, let us all fix our gaze on the great Crucifix, which dominates this Basilica. That gesture of Saint Francis, which embraces the feet of Jesus, exemplifies an attitude worthy of note.
In an eloquent way it shouts with sounds of silence: “friend, here you can find the answer to your deepest anxieties; here lies the key to the treasure that can give value to all life.”

Jesus is the answer to your questions, to your prayers.

Jesus, this Crucifix, with Francis at his feet, speaks to us, speaks to us continuously through the centuries; and, in this century, he also speaks to us with the same adequacy on the meaning of life, on the problems of Europe, on the vocation of each of us.

Let's get into the questions.

They essentially focus on 1) the meaning of faith in a time of crisis such as ours; 2) on the possibility of joy in a world still marked by so much suffering, especially of wars, in the Balkans and elsewhere; then, 3) on the discovery of one's vocation among the many and conflicting proposals that come from all over.

These are legitimate and important questions. In modern times, humanity has made extraordinary scientific and technological progress, but has often lost the true answers to the great questions of existence. A sense of insecurity tears off the wings of commitment, dampens enthusiasm, and leads to compromise solutions, if not surrender.

How can we be authentic Christians in a world that rejects Christ? How can we live our faith in an environment that is hostile to Christ or, worse, that alludes itself with a sense of over security without Christ? 
Being a Christian today is not easy. We must go against the current. Faith is no longer a sort of obvious choice. It is a decision that demands an investment, a personal commitment. Challenge the world with your own convictions.

Faith, dear ones, is like gold: it is purified in fire. To be authentic, it must pass through the Cross of Christ (1 Peter 1: 7).

Then you will recognize Christ?



Arezzo - Domenica, 23 maggio 1993

Improvised Papal Address during meeting with Italian youth in Arezzo, Italy, on Sunday, 23 May 1990